Duality in Eclipse - Limited Edition of 25



"Duality in Eclipse" is a visual sonnet of contrast and harmony, depicting the two halves of the self that exist within us all. One face basks in the warmth of...

  • Brand: Vain Smith Design
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: DP011 - 25

Tags: digital art , downloadable art , Surreal art

"Duality in Eclipse" is a visual sonnet of contrast and harmony, depicting the two halves of the self that exist within us all. One face basks in the warmth of a setting sun, adorned with vibrant autumn leaves, signifying life and its vivid expressions. In stark contrast, the other half retreats into the cool embrace of the moon's shadow, a silent introspection amidst the quietude of night.

This powerful image captures the interplay between light and dark, the conscious and the unconscious, growth and rest. The line where they meet, a cascade of crimson foliage, marks the constant flux between these states, reflecting the cycles of nature and the human experience.

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